Mid-term Strengths and Weaknesses


- Dedicated to work.

- Competent in overall duties.

- Outstanding military bearing.

- Adapts to changes and taking on new tasks.

- Reliable and finishes tasks in a timely manner.

- Maintains a positive attitude even when there are setbacks.

- Good Leadership Style. Always treats everyone equally and with respect.

- Good communicator. Keeps supervisor apprised of all problems and status.

- Administratively talented. Actively supports all personnel with admin tasks.

- Experienced and Knowledgeable. Supports daily operations from start to completion.

- Community involvement, have been an active volunteer with XX for XX months making a significant impact.

- Experienced and knowledgeable, is often sought out by peers for knowledge and training which she freely shares.

Weaknesses/Areas of Improvement

- Command involvement.

- Non-qualified in rate.

- Acquire Workcenter CDI.

- Uniform does not meet standards.

- Doesn't always meet all deadlines.

- Unassertive when contributing to ideas and plans.

- Does not use resources provided to him via command.

- Reluctant to ask for help when tasks start piling up.

- Does not take criticism well, takes work too seriously.

- Doesn't always use required safety equipment or ensure subordinates do.

- Overly assertive, knows what it takes to complete the job but can be bossy.

- Lacks Command Involvement. Needs active participation in groups or associations.

Goals/Plan of Action

- Get qualified in rate.

- Finish bachelor's degree.

- Save money to buy or rent out a house.

- Register for a new USMAPS Apprenticeship.

- Communicate with others to spread out workload.

- Seek out ways to be involved within the command.

- Complete 3 college credits through XX University.

- Provide your own opinions to help with discussions and planning.

- Apply for volunteer service medal based on hours already accrued.

- Complete all Professional Military Education courses and gain certification.

- Acquire Command Collaterals and improve morale in the division and Command.

- Use the chain of command to resolve issues at the lowest possible level before going to the Captain.

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